Guitar Learning and Look-Up Tools
+++ NEW +++ Fretboard Diagram Builder (chord diagram → png file) for songwriters, teachers, video & content creators +++ NEW +++
All lessons and quizzes at a glance
Basics & Theory
Understanding the fretboard IStandard tuning and C major scale Understanding the fretboard II
Accidentals # and b, Moving Scales Understanding the fretboard III
Major Scale & Intervalls on Different Strings Understanding the fretboard IV
Chord Shapes on Different Strings Intervals & chord construction Bye-bye b7! Voicings I Voicings II Slash chords I Slash chords II Diatonic Chords I Diatonic Chords II
Extensions and Modifications
Chord Progressions
Chord Progression Matrix Modern Major ChordsI - IV - V 4 chords - countless songs
I - V - VIm - IV 4 chords - variation
VIm - IV - I - V Pop/Rock ballads with descending bass Minor 7th
I - IIIm7 - VIm7 - IV Sus chords
IIm - IIm7 - Vsus4 - V Let's get funky!
IIm7 V7 The Two-Five-One Progression
IIm7 - V7 - Imaj7 Two-Five-One in minor
IIm7b5 - V7 - Im7 Two-Five-One with altered V7 chord
IIm7 - V7alt - Imaj7 Slash chords - various progressions
Basic major chords
Major and minor chords
Complementary intervals
sus4 and sus2 chords
Slash chords
Minor 7th chords (m7)
Diatonic chords
Dominant 7th chords (V7)
V7 and m7 chords
V7 and maj7 chords
V7, m7 and maj7 chords
Diminished & half-diminished
6, 6/9 and add9 chords
9, m9 and maj9 chords
9, 11, 13, sus9, sus13
Altered dominant 7th chords (V7alt)
Mixed chord extentions